Pubdate: Thu,  6 Feb 2003
Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI)
Copyright: 2003 The Traverse City Record-Eagle
Author: Jeff Fillmore


Should Gilbert resign? Yes. Should he be given a second chance? Yes, under
certain conditions. He went to rehab, but how many alcoholics reading this
have been to rehab? How many quit drinking after the first stay? I didn't
think so. It's a hard habit to break.

So here's the conditions: All judges must take a breathalyzer test before
starting work. Again after lunch and any recess. Be subject to random
urinalysis and office searches. All done by an outside source and paid for
with the individuals own pay. Tough? Yes. Fair? Yes.

All police officers must undergo the same conditions with an added
breathalyzer test after each shift.

All mentioned above work for the taxpayer, the people. If I owned a factory
and had a government contract, all would be subject to random urinalysis
tests. The government requires it.

You see, if I were caught "puffing" on marijuana, I would be subject to
these conditions, including random home searches. Yes, the court system here
does that. Of course, if I failed any of these requirements, I go to jail. I
could also lose my job, home and car due to lack of payments.

Jeff Fillmore 

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