Pubdate: Wed, 24 Dec 2003
Source: North Bay Nugget (CN ON)
Copyright: 2003 North Bay Nugget


The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld Canada's marijuana
laws. In a ruling Tuesday, the court stated the government is within
its rights to make possessing small amounts of marijuana illegal.

It was the lump of coal many marijuana advocates were afraid of
receiving this year from the country's highest court.

Many were hoping for literally a 'green' Christmas, but that didn't

The ruling is generally insignificant since the federal government can
decriminalize marijuana if it chooses, something insiders hint Prime
Minister Paul Martin will do in the new year.

Marijuana is a harmful substance, but it should not result in a
criminal record, no more than drinking alcohol, or smoking a cigarette.

The Canadian government will make the right decision.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin