Pubdate: Wed, 24 Dec 2003
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2003
Author: Wassana Nanuam, Yuwadee Tunyasiri


PM Cancels Burma Trip, Security Fears

Third Army commander Lt-Gen Picharnmeth Muangmanee will visit the 
Wa-controlled township of Yong Kha, in Burma, replacing Prime Minister 
Thaksin Shinawatra who cancelled the trip for security reasons.

Mr Thaksin had planned to visit Yong Kha to jointly preside over the 
opening of a hospital there with Gen Khin Nyunt, his Burmese counterpart. 
However, he cancelled the trip after his advance security team said it 
would be too risky, a security officer said.

The officer said Rangoon did not have full control over Yong Kha and its 
surrounding areas which were known to harbour anti-Rangoon elements as well 
as drug-trafficking gangs which had been hurt by the Thai government's war 
on drugs.

Both Mr Thaksin and Gen Khin Nyunt could be potential targets of those 
hostile groups. Also, the advance security team was not fully comfortable 
with the security arrangements provided by Rangoon, the officer said.

Army chief Gen Chaisit Shinawatra backed Mr Thaksin's decision, saying the 
trip was not worth the risk involved.

He had learned from intelligence reports that anti-Rangoon forces or drug 
traffickers may try to create a situation that would poison Thai-Burmese 
ties, Gen Chaisit said.

Mr Thaksin said he cancelled the visit to Yong Kha because he had a far 
more important business to attend to, including the Thai Rak Thai party's 
general assembly on Friday and Saturday.

His decision would not cause any displeasure in Rangoon because the matter 
had already been discussed with the Burmese leadership.

Lt-Gen Picharnmeth, co-chairman of the Thai-Burmese Joint Border Committee, 
would make the visit on his behalf, Mr Thaksin said.

Under the original plan, Mr Thaksin was to preside over the opening of a 
hospital in Yong Kha and inspect progress of a project to promote 
cultivation of cash crops that would replace drug crops.

Rangoon had planned to send three Russian-made MI-17 helicopters to fly Mr 
Thaksin and his party to Yong Kha, with the Thai prime minister and his 
Burmese counterpart Gen Khin Nyunt on board the same aircraft.

On their way from Tachilek to Yong Kha, the helicopeters would have to fly 
over rugged terrain and dense forest areas where security risks were very high.

Thailand has provided 20 million baht to help fund the crop substitution 
project at Yong Kha. The project, which is under direct supervision of M.R 
Disnadda Diskul, chief executive of the Doi Tung Development Project, has 
won much praise from Rangoon.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman