Pubdate: Sun, 16 Feb 2003
Source: Natchez Democrat, The (MS)
Copyright: 2003 Natchez Newspapers Inc.
Author: Don McCraine


McCOMB - The 14th Circuit Court includes Pike, Walthall and Lincoln 
counties. Since 1999, Judge Keith Starrett has operated a special drug 
court within the district to provide substance abuse treatment and recovery 
opportunities for minor criminals with drug addictions.

Participants in the drug court must be recommended by the District 
Attorney's Office, and drug dealers and violent criminals are not eligible 
for assignment to the program.

Since participants enter guilty pleas to their criminal charges prior to 
entering the program, they can be sent to jail by Starrett at any time for 
failed drug tests or other deficiencies.

Participants who voluntarily report their relapses are treated more 
leniently than those who fail drug tests.

The drug court is divided into four phases:

Phase I

Phase I begins upon assignment to the program with 10 weeks of out-patient 
care, or from 42 days to six months of in-patient care at NewHaven Recovery 
Center in Brookhaven.

Phase II

Phase II can last one to two years and requires participants to report to 
Starrett's court each Monday and undergo random drug-testing two to three 
times a week.

Participants must also meet with a probation officer, attend support 
meetings, and gain employment or become full-time students or community 
service volunteers.

Participants must also pay their fines and fees before moving up to Phase III.

Phase III

Phase III participants report to Starrett's court on a monthly basis and 
continue to undergo drug-testing several times randomly each month. Phase 
III normally lasts a year.

Phase IV

Phase IV is a non-reporting probationary period that lasts one year.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens