Pubdate: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Copyright: 2003 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Details: Author: Frank Landry, Legislature Reporter Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) TRUSTEES URGE ANTI-POT STAND Legal Marijuana Opposed Some say it can free your mind -- but pot does nothing to help your brain, according to one Winnipeg school division. The St. James-Assiniboia School Division is urging all Manitoba school trustees to support a resolution calling on their national body to oppose the decriminalization of marijuana. "If there was significant liberalization, it might make things more difficult for students in school," said Bruce Alexander, chair of the St. James-Assiniboia board of trustees. "It occasionally leads to other substances that can be much worse for young people." St. James-Assiniboia trustees last month unanimously passed a resolution asking the Canadian School Board Association to lobby Ottawa to maintain existing marijuana laws. They also want Ottawa to "reject any proposed relaxation" of the laws. Before moving to the national stage, the resolution must be accepted by a majority of the province's elected school officials at the Manitoba Association of School Trustees' March 14 annual general meeting. "It's their opinion (decriminalization) would make access to the drug easier, and they just don't agree with that," St. James-Assiniboia superintendent Ron Weston said of the trustees' resolution. Alexander said his board was spurred into action after two separate cases dealing with marijuana possession were tossed out of Ontario courts last month. Both examples were widely taken as signs that Canada's pot laws were beginning to crumble. A House of Commons committee has recommended that possession of 30 grams of pot should result in nothing more than a ticket and no criminal record. Thirty grams, about one ounce, of pot can produce about 50 joints. READY TO ROLL Federal Justice Minister Martin Cauchon has said he's ready to roll this year on the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. Carolyn Duhamel, executive director of MAST, said no other Manitoba school division has in recent memory brought forward a resolution dealing with pot. "There's some pretty strongly divergent views on this particular issue," Duhamel said. "So it will probably make for some interesting discussion." Drug use is not a big problem in St. James-Assiniboia, Weston said. - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager