Pubdate: Tue, 25 Feb 2003
Source: Sun Herald (MS)
Copyright: 2003, The Sun Herald
Author: Tom Wilemon, The Sun Herald
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Terrorism)


GULFPORT - If someone stealing anhydrous ammonia can inadvertently release 
the potentially deadly substance, what damage could a terrorist cause?

Before daylight Sunday, while the nation was at an "orange alert," someone 
walked up to a Gulfport storage tank and opened the valve, releasing a 
toxic cloud.

Had someone been bent on terrorism, serious casualties, even deaths, could 
have occurred. But despite the scare, no coordinated meetings between 
emergency response or law enforcement agencies have been called to discuss 
ways to improve security around chemical tanks or to identify other 

Harrison County officials said they will take cues from the Gulfport Police 
and Fire departments once the agencies complete their investigation. When 
Gulfport files an incident report with the Mississippi Emergency Management 
Agency, the report will be shared with authorities in the state's other 81 

"We would hope that the local law enforcement and managers would take this 
lesson and learn from it and also share it with surrounding cities and 
counties," said MEMA spokeswoman Amy Carruth.

The Harrison County Local Emergency Planning Committee should review the 
incident, she said. However, the committee has no such plans, according to 
its chairman.

"No sir, we wouldn't meet to discuss that situation. It's in the city of 
Gulfport," said Harrison County Fire Services Director George Mixon, the 
committee's chairman.

The committee serves as an information depository for data on hazardous 
chemicals and usually meets only twice a year, he said. Any reports from 
the Gulfport Fire Department would probably be shared with the committee, 
he said.

"Any time anything like this happens, it raises your awareness," said 
Harrison County Sheriff George Payne Jr.

Anhydrous ammonia, which is a refrigerant, can also be used in the illegal 
manufacture of methamphetamine. Biloxi Police Chief Bruce Dunagan said 
there have been three to four thefts at seafood plants in the past year.

There is no requirement for businesses with the outside tanks to erect 
fences or install locks.
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