Pubdate: Mon, 17 Feb 2003
Source: Rocky Mountain Collegian, The (CO Edu)
Copyright: 2003 Rocky Mountain Collegian
Author: Spencer Goodfriend


Any drug from marijuana, to cocaine, to methamphetamines may be located on 
campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods.

"Drugs are everywhere, especially in Fort Collins," said freshman 
psychology major Brett Carlson. "There were three or four (drug) dealers in 
my dorm hall alone last name it, and somebody's got it."

The relatively easy access for a potential customer has given rise to the 
notion that the use of illegal narcotics is just a part of the college 

"How can you expect to go to a place like college, which supports expanding 
the mind, without trying new things," said senior engineering major Wylie 
Nelson. "I think it's not all just the college, but the whole culture that 
comes with being so close to the mountains."

Whether or not the mountains play a crucial role in Colorado drug culture, 
it is apparent that use and abuse have been prevalent in the past and most 
likely the future.

"Colorado is second in the nation in drug abuse (behind New Mexico), and 
according to the National Household Survey, Colorado is number one in 
marijuana use," said the Director for the Center of Drug and Alcohol 
Education Pam McCracken. "Meth is definitely on the rise, and along with 
alcohol and marijuana it is the college drug of choice...though we have 
seen a slight decline in marijuana use."

Designer club drugs such as MDMA (ecstasy), GHB and Ketamine (special k) 
have also found their niche.

"Ecstasy was everywhere you turned last year, and from what I've heard, it 
was even worse the year before...those (designer) drugs are stereotyped as 
just a part of the rave scene, but they're not," Carlson said.

Students who feel their extracurricular activities in the world of drugs 
are getting the best of them can venture to the basement of the Hartshorne 
Health Center to receive help.

"We will provide counseling to students who are having issues...we'll 
determine if a student is dependent, and if so, we'll refer them to 
outpatient help elsewhere in Fort Collins," McCracken said.
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