Pubdate: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 Source: Register-Guard, The (OR) Copyright: 2003 The Register-Guard Contact: Details: Author: Norm Maxwell LEGALIZE, TAX MARIJUANA The time has come to legalize and tax marijuana in the state of Oregon. If it is OK to rely on gambling, alcohol and tobacco for revenue, then there is no difference in licensing the right to grow your own dope. Our poor local SWAT team will have to find another reason to kick in people's doors. All they have to do is read "1984" for inspiration. Oregon's addiction to tax dollars supersedes even the horrors depicted in the film "Reefer Madness." Let's do it. I should think a $100 license every year for the right to grow your own should bring in millions for our strapped state, and reduce a lot of drug trafficking to boot. NORM MAXWELL Lorane - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake