Pubdate: Sat, 08 Mar 2003
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2003 The Daily Press
Author: Len Liebler
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


What am I missing with Keith Stroup's Feb. 27 op-ed article on the 
decriminalizing marijuana in America? How can a law-breaking pothead be 
considered a "good, productive citizen?"

Marijuana is used by physically healthy people for one reason only, to get 
high. What a great influence these "good" people must have on our children.

What kind of message would we be sending when marijuana is legalized 
because its use can't be completely stopped? Is this to say that because 
stopping it is so expensive, that it automatically makes it OK for use?

Where would this logic stop? When do we start putting a dollar figure on 
right and wrong?

Face it, marijuana is not being stopped because there are too many 
undisciplined, self-indulgent individuals who only care about their own 
pleasure and could care less about the effects of marijuana on society.

Some day you just have to think of somebody beside yourself, have some 
courage and stand up for what is right and wrong, no matter what the cost.

Len Liebler, Williamsburg
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager