Pubdate: Wed, 05 Mar 2003
Source: Rocky Mountain Collegian, The (CO Edu)
Copyright: 2003 Rocky Mountain Collegian
Author: Patrick Crossland


Meth invades Middle America

To determine the gravity of methamphetamine use in Larimer County, one 
needs to look no further than Gregg Lammons, screening officer for the 
District Attorney's office.

"I file meth cases every day," said Lammons. "I'm filing more 
methamphetamine cases than any other drug."

As a screening officer, Lammons decides what charges to file based on the 
evidence presented in each case.

"I know meth is a problem across the state," he said. "I know it's a 
problem here."

After officers investigate a crime, reports are presented to Lammons, who 
decides if the information is prosecutable. Eyewitness accounts, 
admissions, informants and undercover police work all factor into the 
feasibility of prosecution.

The use and production of methamphetamine has substantially increased and 
according to Lammons, is the number one drug problem in the county.

"It wasn't that way five years ago, but it is now," he said.

Made from household products, methamphetamine has become the retableiest 
used drug in the county.

"Meth is probably the drug of choice over cocaine," said Francis Gonzales, 
sergeant with the Larimer County drug task force.

Most methamphetamine is coming across the border from Mexico, where it is 
produced in "super labs," capable of manufacturing the drug in 
kilo-quantities. So-called "kitchen labs" are capable of creating anywhere 
from a gram (one sugar packet) up to a pound.

The drug, composed of household chemicals such as acetone, antifreeze, 
Drano and various acids, can be cooked in a kitchen and moved from house to 
house with ease.

"Meth comes from the border or next door," said Gonzales. "If you know the 
recipe, you can cook up a batch in a couple of hours."

The drugs are smuggled across the border by individuals known as "mules" 
that are later paid in cash or in what they transport, said Gonzales.

In a recent drug bust, police tied into a drug train stretching from 
Tijuana to Colorado. A drug runner named Novoa-Cardenas was bringing drugs 
across the border into California through Colorado and to Illinois. Police 
were able to tap into the drug runners' phone lines, resulting in 22 
arrests, nine search warrants, the seizure of ephedrine, cocaine, 8.9 
kilograms of methanphetamine and five hand guns.

Gonzales works closely with local supermarkets to monitor large sales of 
precursor chemicals such as ephedrine and iodine.

"We put these things on a watch list," Gonzales said. "Our guys go through 
with confidential informants."

Gonzales said methamphetamine has been a problem in Larimer County since 
the late 1980s, but was first seen during the time of Pearl Harbor when 
Japanese pilots would use the drug before missions.

"It was known as 'prope dope,'" he said. "Speed has been around a long time."

The drug task force uncovers approximately 23 labs per year, or about two 
labs per month, Gonzales said.

"We've seen it evolve from a pharmaceutical drug to being manufactured in 
kitchens and chicken coops," he said.

After a lab has been detected and before it can be cleaned up, police have 
to secure their safety. One way of doing this is to test the air of a 
potential lab site with a device to measure the toxins in the air. If the 
air is unclean, police then decide the level of protection needed.

A meth lab raid can go anywhere from using a breathing apparatus which 
filters the air to a fully encapsulated suit, said Gonzales.

"They're dangerous chemicals," said Gonzales. "We have to handle them 

After being apprehended, the suspect is taken to the Larimer County 
Detention Center, where he or she may undergo medical screenings to detect 
if there are toxins in his or her blood.

"If we have concerns because of the way a person is acting, we go through 
medical screenings," said Lieutenant Deb Russel of the Larimer County 
Sheriff's Office.

If police are concerned about a suspect's health, a nurse may examine the 
individual and he or she may be taken to a hospital.

Russel considers factors such as whether there are medical concerns, if the 
suspect is coherent, functioning properly and understanding their surroundings.

If an individual was on methadone, police watch for lethargic behavior, 
Russel said.

"There are things we do watch for," she said. "There are indicators and 

Some police check for nystagmus, a jerking of the eye when tracking an 
object from side to side. Police do not base screening solely on if an 
individual has come in on drug charges.

"Just because someone is brought in with drug charges doesn't indicate they 
are under the influence of drugs at that moment," Russel said. "Sometimes 
people with mental health issues can have the same actions as someone on 

After having been detoxified, suspects are brought before a drug court, 
where Judge Arnaud Newton interacts with suspects to find a solution that 
will help end the drug problem.

"It's much more one-on-one," Newton said. "I'm encouraging them, I'm 
chewing them out."

The court implies course therapy to drug addicts who are often losing teeth 
and malnourished.

"Our concept is that quitting is much more better than the alternative," he 
said. "Immediacy is a part of it."

Drug abusers are tied to their addiction at many levels. For many drug 
users, the desire to return to the feeling drugs give them is what keeps 
them addicted.

"The big thing is wanting to get back to that feeling again. It's 
frustrating for the drug court," Newton said. " We get them clean for about 
30 days and then all the things that got them into it-mental health, 
immaturity-pull them back in."

Newton said by the time methamphetamine users become sober, they have lost 
their ability to live a normal life.

"When they get their head clear, they don't know how to live their life in 
general," he said.

In the two years that the drug court has been in existence, Newton has seen 
its effectiveness and attributes its success to the nature of the program.

"I like to think that the drug court is very effective because of the 
cohesive nature of the program," he said.

Despite the court's successes, the prevalence of methamphetamine will 
likely keep the courts busy for some time.

"It is the biggest problem we have right now in drug court," Newton said.

A deadly brew
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens