Pubdate: Sun, 16 Mar 2003
Source: Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (MS)
Copyright: 2003 Journal Publishing Company
Author: Errol Castens


OXFORD - District attorneys may not be paired often with the concepts of 
sympathy and concern, but one Northeast Mississippi prosecutor is offering 
his "customers" kind words of advice.

"The Road to Recovery: An Addict's Guide to Ending Drug Use" is a 21-page 
booklet recently published by Jim Hood of the Third Circuit Court District 
for drug offenders who come under his jurisdiction.

"When drug users hit rock bottom, they're more susceptible to seeing a need 
to change," Hood said.

On the opening page, he offers understanding and encouragement.

"Drug addiction is a progressive disease such as diabetes," he wrote. "With 
support and determination you can overcome the desire to use drugs."

His encouragement takes a personal direction, too - and hints at the higher 
success rates of faith-based rehab programs.

"Most of the drug and alcohol addicts with whom I am familiar have only 
been able to stay off drugs with the help of the Good Lord!" he wrote.

Another letter, from an anonymous addict, describes the depths to which 
drugs can push a person while still offering hope for recovering. "Am I An 
Addict?" asks penetrating questions of the substance user about drugs' 
impact on his life.

Other information in the booklet include the "12 Steps" that originated 
with Alcoholics Anonymous and listings of hospitals, Department of Human 
Services locations, substance treatment resources and support groups across 
the area. A complete admission form for Region III Chemical Dependency 
Services is also included.

"We didn't spend a lot of money on this," Hood said. "We just copied it."

Drug offenses - and other crimes committed by drug users - constitute a 
majority of the issues that face most prosecutors. Hood said he hopes the 
information offered will make an impact on some of the hundreds of drug 
users who pass through his jurisdiction.

"I'm trying to cut down on my customer base," he said.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens