Pubdate: Mon, 24 Mar 2003
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2003 The Daily Press
Author: Kate Reynolds


Reference part one of the series, "Pregnant and addicted" on March 16.

Why do I need to open my paper on a Sunday morning and see a pregnant woman 
addicted to heroin and, oh, by the way, who has five other children 
currently being raised by family members other than their fathers?

Even worse, why will I have to see this every day until the series is complete?

I am incensed with this liberal program. Why do I have to support women and 
children like this and why is the newspaper running this story? Does the 
Daily Press really feel it is human interest? Is there not enough news to 
report on?

How about a story on adopting a military family whose family needs help, 
support or our prayers? I think the newspaper will be able to find many in 
this area.

Maybe the more important story is why this woman has been allowed to 
continue to have children, where the fathers are, and just who supports all 
these children?

Kate Reynolds

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