Pubdate: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 Source: Whitecourt Star (CN AB) Copyright: 2003 Whitecourt Star Contact: Details: Author: Mariann McLaughlin IT'S TIME TO GET EDUCATED Drugs isn't an easy topic of conversation within the home environment, especially when parents have a hard time with the issue. On Thursday evening, a presentation on Street Drugs is open to the community to educate parents, care givers and family members about drugs and what it can do to a person using and the people around them. When I was growing up, the 'cool' drugs were acid and hash. Personally, I didn't see what was co 'cool' about them, but I also wasn't very educated on these drugs. All I knew is that people acted dumb, laughed a lot and saw things that weren't there. Afterwards, they would be sick, freaking out or awake for a few days and not know why. That didn't look like fun to me, so drugs weren't really an option for me. I also learned that getting drugs were a big cost out of your wallet. In Grade 8, a hit of acid, usually in small pellet forms, cost about $5 each. In Grade 8 (1988) that was a lot of money to me. Money that I wasn't going to part with for something the size of a pin head. And then, I started seeing what drugs were doing to some of my friends - they would forget where they were the night before, forget who they were with and forget what they did. The next morning was filled with questions, usually targeted my way because, of course, I remembered everything because I was the sober one. A lot of times my friends were either ashamed of their actions or got a big laugh out of it. Personally, I didn't see anything that was funny. I made the choice to ditch the friends that felt drugs were cooler than their real friends. Drugs weren't for me and they still aren't. If people want to screw up their life, it's their choice. This presentation could do a lot of people some good in this town. Methamphetamine (speed) is a problem and more people need to be educated on drugs so they are better armed in fighting this issue. I encourage everyone to learn more about drugs so you are better equipped if a problem is dumped on your lap. Education is the key. - --- MAP posted-by: Alex