Pubdate: Fri, 28 Mar 2003
Source: Johnson City Press (TN)
Copyright: 2003 Johnson City Press and Associated Press
Author: John Frank Hunter


EDITOR: Instead of increasing taxes outrageously on tobacco, a legal 
substance, which decreases the number of people purchasing the product and 
in turn hurts our state's economy, why is there no legislation to increase 
taxes of those who are charged with illegal substance abuse, drunken 
driving and other such illegal atrocities?

We have seen in all 50 states the effect of increasing taxes on tobacco 
products, singling out those who choose to use legal substances and farmers 
who try to make an honest living. Why are we punishing those who are in 
line with the laws of our state and nation?

To increase taxes of those who are convicted of using illegal substances 
and committing crimes that endanger themselves, endanger others, and 
according to recent commercials, also supports terrorism. I personally do 
not know any farmers in our area who grow tobacco in order to support 

It is a shame we are in a way promoting illegal drug use by not taxing 
offenders; my belief is that if we could tax those who commit what is 
actually a crime that the drug use in our country will rapidly decline as 
we have seen in the use of tobacco.


Johnson City
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