Pubdate: Sun, 30 Mar 2003
Source: Repository, The
Copyright: 2003 The Repository
Author: Diana Rossetti
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Popular)


Cedar Point and good ol' Canton earned column space -- not to mention color
photographs -- in the May issue of the internationally circulated High Times
magazine where the motto is "Celebrating the counterculture."

But first, the Canton cannabis conundrum. Those of the straight-and-narrow
persuasion probably were unaware of the significance of the number 420. For
marijuana mavens, it's the code word for prime smoking time.

And so it was that last November, the folks at Your Pizza Shop located,
incidentally, at 420 12th St. NW,  put up a sign reading, "Got Munchies? Our
420 Fried Special -- Large 2-item Pizza, Combo of 3 Finger Foods, $14.20."

An indignant, self-described DARE graduate, demanded the sign's removal,
citing its drug references. 

The sign came down, but the menu still offers daily tongue-in-cheek specials
like Munchie Monday, Toasted Tuesday and Green Leaf Wednesday. 

Shop owner Pat Koury told High Times that business is booming. "People are
coming from other towns and even other counties to walk in and giggle while
they choose their orders. In a way, (the complaining woman) was right about
the sign drawing a crowd. It's just not the violent crowd she feared," he
said, "but a surprising number of supportive people who believe in our right
to promote our shop as we please."

The Cedar Point reference, sitting atop the Canton story, crowed over the
park's newest roller coaster, Top Thrill Dragster, described in mainstream
press as the fastest and highest in the world. Cedar Point's Janice
Witherow, public relations manager, commented, "We were not aware Cedar
Point was mentioned. And we do have a very strict policy for substance abuse
inside the park."

[Content not related to drug policy snipped for brevity]
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