Pubdate: Mon, 24 Mar 2003
Source: East African Standard, The (Kenya)
Copyright: 2003 The East African Standard
Authors: Ayub Savula and John Muganda


NAIROBI - Environment and Natural Resources Minister, Dr Newton Kulundu, 
yesterday ordered DCs to launch a major crackdown on leaders cultivating 
bhang in forests.

Kulundu said his ministry had established that some leaders were involved 
in cultivation of the drug as it was a "lucrative but illegal business" to 
enrich themselves.

He told DCs to destroy the plantations in forests and arrest suspects so 
they can face the full force of the law.

Kulundu was speaking at Lugulu village, in Webuye Constituency during the 
burial of a Kenyatta University student, James Waluchio.

The deceased was the son of retired Nzoia Sugar Company personnel Manager, 
Zakary Wekesa.

The funeral service was also attended by Trade and Industry Minister, Dr 
Mukhisa Kituyi, Planing and National Development Assistant Minister, 
Musikari Kombo, and Narc MPs Soita Shitanda and Dr Noah Wekesa.

Kulundu said DC's and police should also ensure dealers in drugs are kept 
out of forests.

He said there was a plantation of bhang in Kakamega and Mt. Elgon forests 
which he blamed on the laxity among police in the area.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager