Pubdate: Thu, 03 Apr 2003
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2003 The Daily Press
Author: Hugh Lessig, Daily Press
Bookmark: (Drug Courts)


RICHMOND -- The General Assembly Wednesday added state money for local drug 
courts, but a program that helps ex-offenders adjust to life in the outside 
world suffered a worse fate.

Gov. Mark R. Warner had offered budget amendments to add money for both 

Del. Clifton A. Woodrum, D-Roanoke, said drug courts are a sound investment 
of taxpayers' money, helping addicts turn their lives around. The courts 
are designed to treat and rehabilitate nonviolent addicts rather than 
imprisoning them. The Newport News Drug Court was established five years ago.

"For every dollar we spend in drug courts, we may be diverting somebody 
from later going into the (correctional) system," he said.

The General Assembly agreed with Warner's amendment that restored $520,000 
in the 2004 budget year. It provides matching funds that localities need to 
receive federal funds to operate drug court programs.

Lawmakers saw things differently for a program that offers 
post-incarceration and pre-release services for prisoners. The House of 
Delegates first approved the funding 51-44, agreeing with the governor's 
budget amendment to add $438,274. Later, delegates brought up the matter 
again and it failed 46-49.

Del. L. Preston Bryant Jr., R-Lynchburg, urged the House to not reverse 
itself, but his argument was in vain. He said the programs help 
ex-prisoners from recommitting crimes.

"This is what we might call compassionate conservatism," he said.

Lawmakers also reinstated money for treasurers and commissioners of the 
revenue that allows those offices to help consumers who need help with 
their state income tax forms.

Because of the way the cut was structured, it fell mostly on the larger 
cities in Hampton Roads, including Hampton and Newport News. Commissioners 
and treasurers lobbied heavily to get the money reinstated.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager