Pubdate: Thu, 03 Apr 2003
Source: Worthing Today (UK)
Copyright: 2003 Johnston Press New Media


PRO-CANNABIS supporters staged yet another protest in Worthing on Tuesday 
morning. The peaceful protesters gathered outside Worthing Magistrates' 
Court to call for cannabis to be legalised and to support four men 
appearing at court on charges relating to the former cannabis cafe, 
Bongchuffa, in Rowlands Road.

Cafe founder Chris Baldwin, 53, of Carnegie Close, Worthing, is charged 
with being the occupier of premises permitting a drug offence and cannabis 
possession with intent to supply.

He appeared with a new, smart look - and minus the trademark long hair. 
Mike Allday, 37, of Thompson Close, Durrington, is charged with being the 
occupier of premises permitting a drug offence.

Mark Benson, 27, of Irene Avenue, lancing, is charged with being the 
occupier of premises permitting a drug offence, possession of cannabis, 
producing a controlled drug and possession of cannabis with intent to 
supply. Winston Matthews, 46, of Horley in Surrey, is charged with being 
the occupier of premises permitting a drug offence. All men were released 
on bail to appear again on April 15 and their cases will be committed to 
crown court. After the court hearing, the protesters, who were carrying 
banners which read "free the weed" and were chanting, marched to the Town 
Hall, where they presented a petition in support of legalising cannabis to 
council staff and spoke with councillor Bob Smytherman.

Sarah Chalk, of Friends of Worthing Koffeeshops, said: "The protest went 
very well and people who turned out were amazing. There was a real feeling 
of support.

"The petition was signed by more than 400 people and we are going to carry 
on campaigning - we plan to go to Downing Street".
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom