Pubdate: Sat, 05 Apr 2003
Source: Langley Advance (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc.
Author: Erin McKay


Hillcrest residents are taking a stand against marijuana grow ops, with 
help from Block watch.

A neighbourhood plagued by drug houses has meet with police to see what can 
be done to clean up their community.

RCMP and fire officials joined about 40 residents of the Hillcrest 
subdivision this week for a presentation by Gerrie Wise of Langley Block Watch.

Block Watch is a free, community-based crime-prevention program that is 
administered by the Langley RCMP, and encourages residents to get organized 
and watch out for each other.

The meeting gave those attending ideas of how to combat the crime that has 
been creeping into their upscale subdivision.

Hillcrest, located in the area of 223rd St. and 50th Ave. behind Langley 
Memorial Hospital, saw five marijuana grow operations busted within three 
days in early March.

The area has had drug houses raided by police a dozen times in 15 months.

"They are very pro-active neighbours," said Langley Township Assistant Fire 
Chief Len Foss, who attended the meeting. "They want to clean their 
neighbourhood up."

Langley RCMP Inspector Russ Nash was pleased with how many residents showed 
up, wanting to take action.

"Diligence certainly helps," he said, as people need to be aware of what is 
happening in their neighbourhood. "It's important to get to know your 
neighbours, and make a commitment to make sure you are aware of what's 
going on in your community."
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MAP posted-by: Beth