Pubdate: Thu, 03 Apr 2003
Source: News-Enterprise, The (KY)
Copyright: 2003 News-Enterprise
Author: Brian Walker
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Asset Forfeiture)


In what authorities believe might be one of the largest single site drug 
busts in the state, police Wednesday seized more than 1,000 pounds of 
marijuana, 6 kilograms of cocaine, guns, vehicles and a "huge amount of 
cash" from a home near New Haven in Nelson County.

The estimated street value of the pot is more than $2 million, and the 
cocaine is worth about $150,000, Kentucky State Police spokesman Steve 
Pavey said. Officers from the Elizabethtown post assisted in the bust.

Several arrests were reportedly made, but the names of those individuals 
and the exact location of the bust were not released Wednesday pending 
further arrests.

Authorities raided the residence after receiving several search warrants 
following an investigation, Pavey said.

The sheer amount of narcotics siezed was staggering, even to some seasoned 
undercover officers.

"This is the most dope I have ever seen in one place at one time," said an 
undercover KSP detective. "I guarantee you the price of pot just went up 
around here."

The dealers had packaged the marijuana into "bricks" weighing several 
pounds each. The bricks were then wrapped in duct tape, covered in axle 
grease and wrapped in plastic to conceal the odor.

The marijuana is being temporarily stored at the post.

The KSP, Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 
and the Nelson County Sheriff's Department were among the agencies on the 
scene of the midday raid.

Federal authorities took possession of the cocaine, and information about 
how it was packaged and in what amounts were unavailable at press time.

Authorities were still in the process of logging all the evidence late 

Among the several vehicles reportedly seized were a new Toyota pickup, ATVs 
and a mint condition 1956 Chevrolet.
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