Pubdate: Fri, 04 Apr 2003
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Surrey Leader
Author: Kevin Diakiw


Watch for The Leader's special section, 'The methadone question,' in the 
April 6 issue.

The delivery of methadone services in Surrey will the focus of a meeting 
between provincial health officials and city representatives today (Friday).

Council has expressed significant concern over the emergence of 
"dispensaries" that primarily exist to provide methadone to recovering 
heroin addicts.

Late last year, Surrey increased the licence fees for the dispensaries from 
$195 per year to $10,000.

On Monday, council is expected to hear input from the public on a bylaw 
that would give police unfettered access to methadone client lists.

After that legislation was recently given preliminary approval, civic 
officials called a meeting with representatives of the ministry of health, 
the B.C. College of Physicians, the B.C. College of Pharmacists, and 
several other professionals who run the methadone program in the province.

Mayor Doug McCallum said Wednesday that he'll be looking for concrete 
solutions to the number of dispensaries in North Surrey that are accused of 
bringing associated problems, including addictions to other drugs, drug 
dealers and property crime, to the area. The Leader will publish an 
eight-page special report on Sunday, examining the controversial methadone 
program in-depth.
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