Pubdate: Sat, 12 Apr 2003
Source: Times-Journal, The (Fort Payne, AL)
Copyright: 2003 Times-Journal
Author: Gene Gant, The Times-Journal
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


I've been reading, in this newspaper, the series Monster Meth, written by 
my friend and colleague, Steven Stiefel. If any of you reading this column 
haven't read the series about methamphetamine, it would be worth the effort 
to go back and read it.

If you happen to be reading this at a friend's house, a doctor's waiting 
room, or somewhere else, and you don't get the paper at home, then go on 
line to and check out this series.

If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, parents or friends 
who may be experimenting with anything called meth, ice or crystal, by 
snorting, smoking, injecting, or heaven forbid, cooking it, you should take 
immediate action.

This stuff in the right quantity can blow up half a city block. It's 
dangerous - in more ways than one.

To understand the effects of this monster drug on people, read Steven's 
series. You might be dismayed, distressed, or even angry after reading this 
in-depth account.

As some of you know, I've spent much of my life in the entertainment 
industry. I've seen the results of various drugs on the lives of some of my 
associates - some of my friends - and even on a couple of members of my 
extended family.

It's a sad thing to watch someone with great talent, who is the envy of 
millions, successful at something others would give almost anything to 
accomplish, seem to be in a great hurry to just throw it away.

It's just as sad to see a young person, who has yet to begin his life's 
accomplishments, rush headlong down that same road to destruction.

I do understand the peer pressure exerted on entertainers and on young 
people to "try it just once."

I've been there. The powder of choice my peer group was snorting was 
cocaine. I just never could bring myself to snort something into my head 
that could put out my lights forever.

Maybe it's because I never wanted to be "out of control," anymore than I 
already was.

I've been well acquainted with two persons, who would be considered 
"superstars," who lost their lives because of their drug addiction, and 
I've known, over my many years, several families who have lost loved ones 
because of drug experimentation.

It really isn't worth it. But don't just take my word for it, read Steven 
Stiefel's Monster Meth series and get the facts from people who have "been 
there," and had the good fortune to make it back, though not unscathed and 
not unscarred.

Good job, Steven You may have saved someone's life.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager