Pubdate: Thu, 17 Apr 2003
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2003 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: Dave Wedge


The lawyer for accused drug-dealing state trooper Tim White denies his 
client's involvement in an alleged evidence-stealing scheme and says the 
embattled cop did not funnel cocaine onto the streets as authorities claim.

"These are very serious allegations which my client vehemently denies," 
attorney Thomas Drechsler said of drug-trafficking charges levied against 
White this week by Attorney General Tom Reilly's office.

White, a 16-year veteran trooper who worked as a narcotics inspector, 
allegedly boosted 13 kilos of cocaine worth nearly $400,000 during eight 
thefts from an evidence bunker at the Framingham barracks. He then turned 
them over to alleged drug dealer Robert Crisafulli, 47, of Hyde Park, who 
sold them, Reilly said.

Drechsler said White "did not associate" with Crisafulli. A security alarm 
installer, Crisafulli is free on bail and also faces drug-trafficking charges.

Sources close to the case said Crisafulli is the boyfriend of White's wife, 
Maura. A law enforcement source said Maura White, who is cooperating with 
the probe, gave investigators pictures of the allegedly stolen cocaine. She 
declined comment yesterday.

White, held without bail, also faces charges of beating his wife during 
three scuffles at their house. The case against the former state police 
spokesman unfolded after he was arrested Jan. 28 for allegedly shoving a 
gun into her mouth and his own during a drug-fueled brawl.
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