Pubdate: Wed, 23 Apr 2003
Source: Herald-Sun, The (Durham, NC)
Copyright: 2003 The Herald-Sun
Author: Phil McCarson


For years now, just as darkness falls over the city, the terrorists take to 
the streets. Using weapons of mass destruction (cocaine, crack cocaine, 
heroin and other lethal weapons) they spray their own people. A few of 
these people die quickly and others affected by these weapons rape, beat or 
kill others. Some go berserk, stealing and trying to destroy everything 
around them.

Some terrorists, dressed in blue or red, blast city buses with small arms 
weapons. Others disperse to shopping centers, malls and convenience stores 
to rob, assault and steal.

As the morning sun rises these terrorists go back to their caves and the 
daytime terrorists take to the streets. Using intimidation tactics, they 
speed, tailgate or run red lights on the roads, causing death and 
destruction. Those with lavish government jobs steal or mismanage money the 
citizens have entrusted to them. Others go into homes or businesses, 
stealing from, terrorizing or killing the occupants. Darkness falls again.

No, this isn't Iraq. It's daily life in Durham.

One question for the mayor, police chief, sheriff, magistrates and judges: 
Where's our "shock and awe" campaign?

If the U.S. military can oust a bunch of thugs in three weeks, surely you 
can accomplish something similar. What is the problem? How about an honest 
answer. Taxpayers are paying good money for one.

PHIL McCARSON Durham April 23, 2003
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom