Pubdate: Mon, 21 Apr 2003
Source: Charlotte Observer (NC)
Copyright: 2003 The Charlotte Observer
Author: Shari Roan, Los Angeles Times


Drugs: Already Marketed Medicines Might Help In Recovery

Medications designed for one purpose often end up as treatments for other 
conditions. That's not unusual. What is surprising is the number of older 
drugs that have become good candidates for treating cocaine addiction.

Researchers at the National Institute on Drug Abuse are studying whether a 
half-dozen medications used for conditions such as narcolepsy and influenza 
can help people trying to abstain from cocaine and other addictive drugs.

Traditional therapy for cocaine addiction, which affects an estimated 1.5 
million Americans, has centered on psychological counseling and behavioral 

But scientists are increasingly using drugs to treat drug dependence, an 
effort stemming from more understanding of the brain's natural chemicals 
and how foreign substances affect the brain.

The first of these studies is on selegiline, an old antidepressant that is 
also used to help reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. NIDA 
researchers are expected to soon announce the results of a study in which 
300 cocaine users were treated with either a selegiline skin patch or a 

"Selegiline is what I call a first-generation drug for cocaine dependence. 
The majority of these will be drugs that are already marketed," says Dr. 
Frank Vocci, director of medications development at the National Institute 
on Drug Abuse.

Selegiline is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, meaning that it inactivates an 
enzyme that breaks down brain chemicals important to mood. MAO inhibitors 
fell out of favor years ago, however, because patients taking them can have 
severe toxic reactions if they consume foods containing tyramine, an amino 
acid found in many foods.

The cocaine dependence study is using a new formulation of selegiline: a 
skin patch that appears to avoid interactions with tyramine. The patch is 
being developed by Somerset Pharmaceuticals in Tampa, Fla.

An earlier study in which cocaine users were given small doses of oral 
selegiline indicated that it can help blunt the high that users feel, thus 
curbing the desire to use again.

The drug elevates levels of a brain chemical called dopamine that appear to 
be eroded by the use of cocaine and nicotine (selegiline is also being 
tested for nicotine dependence).

But selegiline also appears to prompt the release of a chemical called 
phenyl ethylamine. This substance is often called the "love chemical," 
Vocci says, because it's found in chocolate and has been linked to feelings 
of love. The love chemical reputation is "urban science legend," Vocci 
says. "It's still an interesting compound."

The institute has also launched a study on the effects of selegiline on 
methamphetamine dependence because methamphetamines also affect dopamine 
levels in the brain.

While selegiline is one of NIDA's first attempts at testing medications for 
substance abuse, many other projects are under way. All of the studies, 
Vocci notes, will be using medications along with behavioral therapies.

And, later this year, NIDA will launch a study on a cocaine vaccine. The 
goal is to prime the body to recognize cocaine as a foreign invader and 
generate antibodies. Study volunteers will receive injections of the 
vaccine and be tracked for cocaine use. 
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