Pubdate: Wed, 23 Apr 2003
Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Surrey Leader
Author: Kevin Diakiw


Methadone dispensing in Delta will be restricted to hospital zones, if a 
bylaw is adopted as planned next Monday.

The Leader has learned that Delta staff will present a bylaw to council 
amid concerns of an influx of methadone dispensaries trying to avoid the 
high cost of doing business in Surrey.

The Leader has also learned that George Wolsey, the owner of North Surrey's 
Priority Drugs, is applying for a licence for a new pharmacy in Delta, 
under the name of Can Del Drugs at 11962 96 Ave. Wolsey used to run a 
pharmacy at 83 Ave. and Scott Road, until he moved to North Surrey.

Mayor Lois Jackson said Tuesday the licence will not be approved if the 
bylaw is endorsed by Delta council.

Coun. Dianne Watts said Tuesday that Surrey has "for various reasons" 
refused to grant Wolsey a business licence for his North Surrey methadone 

A number of Surrey councillors feel the stand-alone methadone dispensaries 
are poorly regulated, and attract people with who are addicted to drugs 
other than methadone.

Last November, the city cranked the price of a methadone dispensing 
business licence from $195 per year to $10,000 annually. In addition, 
Surrey will be considering a bylaw next week that allows senior RCMP 
officer to examine the client lists of the pharmacies. Jackson told The 
Leader last week she feared an influx of methadone dispensaries during 
Surrey's crackdown.
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