Pubdate: Wed, 30 Apr 2003
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2003 The Calgary Sun
Author: Michael Wood


CHESTERMERE -- Marijuana grow operations are becoming a chronic problem for 
residents here, habit-forming at one house in particular.

RCMP uprooted yet another high-tech operation here last night, taking down 
500 plants and arresting one male.

It's the second bust in two days.

On Wednesday, police raided 207 West Creek Cl. -- again -- where they 
discovered 90 plants in various stages of growth.

It was first raided Jan. 11 during a two-day RCMP blitzkrieg on grow houses 
that yielded eight operations and countless plants.

This bedroom community near Calgary, on the edge of a small lake, has 
become the butt of countless marijuana jokes here and across the region.

One gag photograph floating in cyberspace depicts Chestermere as a haven 
for hemp growers, and homeowners hate it.

In fact many are afraid their property values will go up in smoke.

"I've got a pretty nice house here, and if my property value goes down 
because of it, I'll be pretty (angry)," said one man who lives on West 
Creek Cl.

Many residents on this new street have occupied their homes for just a few 
months, while others have been here only a matter weeks.

Most asked to remain unidentified.

"We moved our family here because its quiet and our kids ride their bikes 
around the neighbourhood, so, yeah, it concerns me," said one young mother.

Another woman said they moved from northeast Calgary because they wanted a 
little more peace and quiet to raise a family.

"You think you're moving to a cozy neighbourhood and here there's dope 
growing all over the place," she said.

Quyen Chi Truong, 39, has been charged with possession for the purpose of 
trafficking and cultivation of a controlled substance in yesterday's bust.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart