Pubdate: Thu, 01 May 2003 Source: Missouri Miner, The (MO Edu, Univ of Missouri-Rolla) Copyright: 2003 The Missouri Miner Contact: Details: Author: Ian Eyberg Bookmark: (Cannabis) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) A BLUNT REPLY TO GRAY'S EDITORIAL Letter to the Editor Once again Mr. Blake Gray has presented himself as an uneducated worthless editor that writes articles that probably were rushed and only focused on what might be an instigatory thought of the day. Allow me to digress: You asked two questions of which I belive I can answer for those who 'illegally place messages...' as for their own response would indicate involvement and since they probably won't respond you have won many minds that do not wish to use simple logic before making judgements on unknown material--a problem that has plagued this campus the entire tenure of my career here and I'm guessing was the case before and after my arrival"departure. Question 1: "...what possessed you to illegally place messages about the legalization of marijuana on the sidewalks in the first place." Obviously you have forgotten what happens in this country when certain individuals deem certain laws unjust. Surely you learned in your history classes about the sit-ins, strikes (non-union for argument's sake), protests and other activity that resulted in the civil right's movement headed up by great people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mrs. Rosa Parks. Don't tell me that the entire American Revolution in which countless bloodshed was involved was not illegal in that current form of government. I'll quote Dr. King in his comments regarding his actions. "One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law." Of course we aren't talking about blocking traffic or even making you late for class, unless of course you must stop for ten extra minutes to deride someone else's opinion without discovering why they had that opinion in the first place; we are only talking about placing publicly available messages on public grounds so that misinformation may be dispelled and facts may be presented. No one cares what UMRPD lies may say about UMR grounds being private. The simple fact is that it is a public university and therefore public grounds. Why submit to an unknown and foreign authority's request to preview your message and intended audience while you can exercise your mind and instigate true change. Where is the harm in displaying messages like this. Are there people truly offended by having to avert their eyes from seeing a chalked out blunt. Are they truly offended by having to read information that the Nixon"Bush adminstrations both produced reports that said smoking normal amounts of marijuana was physically affecting par with smoking nicotine or drinking but then threw the scientists advice away and criminilized the act even more. Ask the average student on campus what his favorite pastime over the weekend is. You will probably get two majority opinions: playing games online or drinking with friends. I don't like having to read certain literature in my English classes and sometimes I just don't but I have to live with the fact that if I don't I will receive a lower grade than if I did--it is life. By stopping these people from expressing themselves you are no more morally"legally better than book burners or John Ashcroft. In response to your first question the simple answer is because it was one of the few ways to share this knowledge with a great amount of UMR students who may or may not have known all of these facts or have known all of these facts or have known exactly how widespread marijuana use is on campus. I wish I could present proof of numbers without incriminating friends; alas I can not. All I can say is that almost every other day or so I find a new person that habitually smokes on campus and they are not only students but faculty and staff also. Question 2: "...why not go out and do something that could possibly make a difference in your fight for the legalization of marijuana." Once again you have proved your resistance to presenting both sides of an issue before making an informed decision. There is a huge politicol lobbying group in Washington called NORML that is actively working to legalize marijuana for responsible adults, much akin to the way alcohol is legalized. Unfortunately they are not as successful as other groups primarily because of a) lack of money and b) lack of influential power upon the corrupt government we have today. As for writing to senators and representatives have you ever wrote your senator"congresswoman. (in this district Jo Ann Emerson) Let me say that I, and others, have continously wrote these individuals on many various subjects. All you get in return is an inpersonal letter describing various bills relating to your letter and their position on the subject and an obligatory thank you. These letters are assembled by various interns and usually never even reach your intended recepients. As for petitions there have just been so many countless numbers of them they can not be listed. Various magazines supporting legalization like 'High Times' and 'Cannabis Culture' receive mass circulation throughout the states with their subscribers having same sentiments and actions. There are huge gatherings of pro-marijuana people even in Missouri--SchwagStock which is coming up in three weeks at Bagnell Dam (and whose main band incidentally appeared at the UpTown theater more than four times in the past year, with average UMR attendance for concerts). So in another short and sweet answer: we have tried these ineffective methods and have achieved no results. It is only through education that laws like this may be changed because it was only through ignorance that these laws were put into action in the first place. In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act forbid hemp farming. Anslinger testified to congress saying that "ginger-colored n******" caused excess violence and raped white woman because of their 'addictions' to marijuana. Objections of the American Medical Association were completely ignored when they tried to present evidence advocating for patients who were were using marijuan for treatment to addicitions like alcohol, cocaine, etc. and for other medical reasons like extremely painful diseases. Just when was the last time you saw someone who was high attack or rape someone. (Please do not respond saying 'those damn hippies in California or Seattle' without presenting proof.) As for your quotation of the Bible Paul was merely referring to Christains who were murdering and doing other devious acts during their persecution. These were a series of letters sent to various churches throughout the empire to encourage and instill faith in the believers. His words were of a passive nature and did not encourage submission but rather a communal style of acceptance of the government so that bloodshed which the Lord abhors would stop. Do you really believe people like Hitler were put in charge by God. Please think a bit before you go finding a quote in a respected reference to support a cause you do not know much about--the same advice you incidentally gave the chalkers. As for the police having 'probable cause' to find illegal drugs in our rooms because of various chalk markings on campus that is just one more abuse of power that people need to recognize. For example if I speed on the highway does that give the right for an officer to come search my computer(s) or my roommates computer(s) looking for illegaly obtained movies, music, or games. Having talked several times to police about these matters I'll do my best to summarize what one UMRPD police officer told me, whether it was true or not. He said that he found heroine in one girls room up at TJ and she was not kicked out of school simply because he doesn't want to have to kick kids out of school-it would lose his job for one reason. However, re-referencing Dr. King another time, he did say that acceptance of the punishment is higher respect for the law. Obviously we aren't going to beg for the punishment but if it happens--I guess we have to go to jail because some racist uneducated politicians and W.R. Hearst's sensationilst papers decided that peaceful, artistic, musically-inclined people had no place in our capitalistic murdering unlogical society. Ian Eyberg - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager