Pubdate: Sat, 03 May 2003
Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire)
Copyright: 2003 New Zealand Press Association


Organisers of the pro-cannabis J Day in downtown Auckland today are upset 
at being told they had to move from their publicised venue.

Weather permitting, the event was to start at noon at Albert Park instead 
of Aotea Square, where the National Organisation for the Reform of 
Marijuana Laws (Norml) has a stall at the weekend market.

President Chris Fowlie said Norml was told by The Edge, which manages the 
square, in a phone call this week that the event did not comply with the 
idea of "family values" for a public area.

Mr Fowlie said cannabis smokers were being treated like "second-class 

"Permitted Aotea Square activities include St Patrick's Day drunkenness."

J Day has been held at Albert Park in the past, and Mr Fowlie said speakers 
today would include Green MP Nandor Tanczos.

A spokeswoman for The Edge said J Day organisers had not made a formal 
application to book the square.

But she also indicated that any application would have been turned down.

"We have worked very hard to establish the square as a family friendly 
venue," she said.

"We would not approve an event at which illegal drugs were being used."
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MAP posted-by: Alex