Pubdate: Tue, 06 May 2003
Source: Essex Evening Gazette (UK)
Copyright: 2003 This Is Essex


A MAN caught with more than UKP 4,000 worth of cannabis has escaped a jail 

Trevor Scott had bought the drugs for himself and some friends, who all 
take it to alleviate their medical problems, a court heard.

They had all contributed cash and Scott had been sent to Holland to buy the 
cannabis on their behalf

Chelmsford Crown Court was told  Scot, of Worthing, West Sussex, had been 
stopped at Harwich on the way to Holland and was found to have UKP 4,000 
cash on him.

When he returned on September 9, customs noticed he did not have the money 
but a holdall containing two gift wrapped packets, which contained cannabis.

He admitted a charge of drug-smuggling when he appeared in court

Peter Fenn mitigating said Scott, 47, suffered from irritable bowel 
syndrome and took cannabis to alleviate the pain. His circle of friends 
also took the drug for the same reason - to cope with their medical 
problems,Mr Fenn said.

Mr Fenn said: "He is not a gangster or a drug dealer. The drug was simply 
for medical purposes and he made no profit from it"

Judge Allasdiar Darroch gave Scott 50-hours community punishment order, 
plus UKP 100 costs. The drugs will be destroyed.

Judge Darroch said: I accept you were not in this to make money and I 
accept you think cannabis helps your condition.

"It art does not help you or me that Parliament is dithering about what do 
about cannabis."
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