Pubdate: Wed, 07 May 2003
Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire)
Copyright: 2003 New Zealand Press Association


Bay of Plenty schools have the highest number of suspensions for drug use 
in New Zealand.

Ministry of Education figures show 240 students were suspended for drug 
involvement last year, 15 more than the previous year.

The region, which includes Rotorua, Taupo, Whakatane, Kawerau, Taupo, Te 
Puke and Tauranga, for the second consecutive year had the third highest 
number of suspensions overall with 535 - a figure also up on last year.

Most principals spoken to were not surprised the region had so many 
drug-associated suspensions.

"What do you expect when you have a Member of Parliament who is advocating 
the use of marijuana?" said the principal of Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College, 
Graeme Ryan.

Mr Ryan would not name the MP but he said most people would now know who he 
was talking about.

In addition, the Bay of Plenty was an area with good conditions for growing 
cannabis and the drug was easily available.

Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College suspended 10 students and stood down 25, four were 
excluded and one expelled.
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MAP posted-by: Beth