Pubdate: Mon, 19 May 2003
Source: Worthing Today (UK)
Address: Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA
Fax: 01903 520000
Copyright: 2003 Johnston Press New Media


Pro-cannabis supporters clapped and cheered after a man charged with 
possessing cannabis walked free from court.

William Chalk, 35, of Goring Road, Goring pleaded guilty at Worthing 
Magistrates' Court to possessing cannabis.

Clare Ellis, prosecuting, said that on May 5 Chalk was seen by police 
officers leaving a premises on Brougham Road, East Worthing, which is 
believed to supply cannabis. She added officers saw what they thought to be 
a "reefer" cigarette in Chalk's hat. Miss Ellis said that when they 
approached Chalk, he became "aggressive and confrontational" and he was 
arrested on suspicion of possession of cannabis. She added Chalk admitted 
possessing cannabis and the police said four grammes were found.

Chalk, who represented himself, said: "I walked up to the policeman and 
asked did he want to search me. What he's written about me being aggressive 
and confrontational is just lies."

He added that he had had two grammes in his possession, not four. Deputy 
district judge James Shrimpton told Chalk he would "call it quits" because 
he had spent almost four hours at Worthing police station after being 
arrested and had spent time in court.

But he repremanded friends and supporters of Chalk who reacted loudly to 
the verdict with applause and cheers.

He told them to stop and said: "This is not the House of Commons." William 
Chalk's wife, Sarah, also appeared before Worthing magistrates charged with 
obstructing a police officer who was trying to enforce the misuse of drugs 
act. She pleaded not guilty and her case was adjorned until June 20.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens