Pubdate: Wed, 21 May 2003
Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire)
Copyright: 2003 New Zealand Press Association
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


The Government has a 19-point plan to combat methamphetamine use, 
Parliament was told yesterday.

Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton said it would be approved next week.

He did not detail the proposals but said the aim was to reduce supply and 

"The emphasis is on dealing with drug exploiters who are committing serious 
criminal offences by making and supplying the drug, while also having 
compassionate treatment facilities for the victims," he said.

"We need to rehabilitate those who are on the drug and show no tolerance 
for those who are manufacturing or selling it."

Parliament has reclassified methamphetamine as a class A drug, effective 
from May 30.

Last week's budget contained $6.6 million over four years for an additional 
two police anti-drug teams.

Mr Anderton said last year police located and closed 140 laboratories and 
they would be even more effective with the new funding.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager