Pubdate: Wed, 14 May 2003 Source: Oregon Daily Emerald (U of Oregon, OR Edu) Copyright: 2003, Oregon Daily Emerald Contact: Details: Author: Dan Hanson KUDOS TO EMERALD FOR DRUG ISSUE COVERAGE I've been meaning to drop you guys a line all year. I want to thank you for the Emerald's consistent coverage of drug issues. So often newspaper articles on that subject present only one side of the story and leave me feeling that I have read bullshit smeared on paper rather than newsprint. The Emerald is different; I don't see any bias about drugs. A college paper had better have updates about drug issues because, like it or not, nearly every college student encounters them. Keep up the good work and consider me an ally. Dan Hanson, Eugene - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager