Pubdate: Mon, 26 May 2003
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2003, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Rob Lamberti
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Bodies Located By Victim's Girlfriend

The bodies of two men, apparently killed by thick smoke, were found inside 
a North York townhouse where a marijuana grow operation was discovered in 
the basement yesterday.

The two victims, described as in their 40s, were dragged out onto the front 
lawn of the Driftwood Ave. condo complex around noon by a woman who said 
one of the dead men was her husband.

Toronto Police, however, said the distraught woman was the girlfriend of 
one of the dead men. She had tried to contact the men starting at about 
7:30 a.m. yesterday.

She later went to the Jane St.-Finch Ave. townhouse condo complex and broke 
through the rear door, finding a small fire in the living room, which she 
put out with a pillow.

The woman found the bodies leaning against a wall behind the front door, 
said a neighbour who tried to comfort her.

Names Withheld

The names of the two men were withheld pending notification of family, said 
Det. Andrew Kis of 31 Division. Autopsies were expected to be performed 
this morning.

One of the victims is the condo tenant, identified by neighbours as Lorne. 
The other was apparently a visitor.

Although the cause of the fire has yet to be determined, Kis said foul play 
is not suspected.

Neighbours said a man known as a heavy smoker lived alone in the unit since 
his mother died years ago.

The 38-year-old soot-covered woman who found the men was combative when she 
was put on a gurney to be taken to hospital for a checkup.

"My husband, my partner, just died," she yelled at a medic and a constable. 
She then demanded cigarettes while trying to make a cellphone call.

"I held (the woman's) hand," said a resident who didn't want her name used. 
"She was screaming and swearing. She was on top of (one of the men) when I 
saw her, saying, 'Don't die on me.'"

Ontario fire marshal investigator Todd Clarke said the $75,000 blaze was 
confined to the living room because of a lack of oxygen.

He said it doesn't appear the hydroponic lab in the basement had anything 
to do with the fire.
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