Pubdate: Mon, 26 May 2003
Source: Clarion-Ledger, The (MS)
Copyright: 2003 The Clarion-Ledger
Author: Sheila Hardwell Byrd, The Associated Press


Melton: Red Tape In Way

(AP) - Methamphetamine and crack cocaine are two of the biggest problems 
facing Mississippi, yet state laws can put drug fighters at a disadvantage 
and the public at risk, the Bureau of Narcotics chief says.

Frank Melton said he hopes to convince legislators to make some changes 
next year, but until then he'll find unconventional ways to fight the drugs 
that prey on both children and adults.

For one thing, the narcotics chief said, his agents have to go through too 
much red tape when it comes to arresting meth manufacturers, who use 
explosive chemicals to produce the drug.

Melton used a drug bust earlier this year as an example during an interview 
last week with The Associated Press. He said a meth laboratory was 
discovered at a hotel near Dennery's, a restaurant near downtown Jackson.

"The way the law states is that we can go in and we can dismantle the 
laboratory to keep it from being a danger to the people, but then we have 
to go in and get a search warrant," Melton said. "Well, the time that it 
takes us to go and get that warrant, we have people's lives in danger."

Melton said he had other reasons for concentrating on crack cocaine and 
meth - children.

He said children not only were addicted to the drugs but at times were 
forced to become dealers by their families.

Another hindrance, Melton said, is that state law prohibits the Mississippi 
Bureau of Narcotics from conducting roadblocks. Melton came under fire 
shortly after he was appointed MBN chief for conducting a roadblock to 
check licenses near the Capitol.

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling prohibits roadblocks specifically to check for 
drugs, but Melton believes such checks could result in more drug arrests.

Melton, 52, is a former television executive known for his blunt editorials 
about drugs and crime. He had no law enforcement experience when Gov. 
Ronnie Musgrove tapped him to lead the narcotics bureau in December. He has 
since completed Drug Enforcement Agency training at Quantico, Va.

Rep. Jeff Smith, D-Columbus, who is a former Lowndes County prosecutor, 
said even if the state laws were relaxed, Melton would still have to abide 
by federal laws.

"There has to be a logical reason to stop autos," said Smith, a member of 
the House Judiciary A Committee.

He said the U.S. Constitution guarantees protection against unreasonable 
search and seizure.

"I'd be willing to help in my capacity as a lawmaker, but some of that is 
going to be out of our hands," Smith said.
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