Pubdate: Fri, 23 May 2003 Source: Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) Copyright: Allied Press Limited, 2003 Contact: Details: Bookmark: (Heroin) TOP OPIUM PRODUCER Paris (Reuters) - Three years after the Taleban stamped out opium growing in Afghanistan, a United Nations expert said yesterday the country had reclaimed its spot as the world's biggest opium producer. Afghanistan now produces about 3400 tonnes a year, about 75% of global production, said Sandeep Chawla, head of research at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Mr Chawla said Afghanistan's opium was worth $US1.2 billion ($NZ2.07 billion) to its farmers last year, while traffickers made a further $US1.3 billion - still only a fraction of its street value. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom