Pubdate: Wed, 28 May 2003 Source: Daytona Beach News-Journal (FL) Copyright: 2003 News-Journal Corp Contact: Details: Author: Associated Press OFFICIALS - FLORIDA LEADS NATION IN ECSTASY TRAFFICKING ORLANDO -- Florida leads the nation in Ecstasy-trafficking arrests, with much of the party drug passing through central Florida in recent years, investigators said. This chemical known as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, comes mostly from illegal laboratories in Belgium and the Netherlands. The designer drug, also known as XTC or X, unleashes the energy of a stimulant with hallucinogenic euphoria that lasts four hours and longer. Interpol and U.S. law-enforcement officials say the drug labs flourish around Antwerp and Amsterdam partly because of easy access to needed chemicals and northern Europe's open borders. The region produces more than 80 percent of the world supply of Ecstasy. Since 1998, Florida has had more Ecstasy-trafficking arrests than any other state with 1,113 arrests, followed by California with 579, according to federal Drug Enforcement Administration records. Florida also reigns as one of the top three U.S. smuggling routes because it has numerous international flights with connections across the country, customs inspectors say. The other two are New York and California. "The tourist industry of Orlando . . . Miami's South Beach . . . and the annual pilgrimage of spring breakers from other states offer an attractive venue for Ecstasy trafficking," John Varrone, the acting deputy assistant commissioner for customs, told Congress in 2000. The local market no longer is defined by 20-something, non-Hispanic white ravers in downtown Orlando. Ecstasy turns up among young black men selling crack cocaine and marijuana on the streets, preppie kids from suburban high schools and users as old as 40, drug agents said. "It's spread beyond younger communities like Orlando through every race and socio-economic class to small-town USA.," said Steve Collins, head of DEA activities in Central Florida. "It's available everywhere." The Office of National Drug Control Policy and numerous public agencies warn that Ecstasy can cause heart damage, kidney failure and fatal surges in body temperature. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that the drug damages communication between nerve cells in the brain. The first time local law enforcement encountered Ecstasy was in early 1990, when Winter Park police seized 2,000 pills of what was billed as a psychedelic love drug. In the past year, enough Ecstasy pills have been seized in the Orlando area for each of the city's 187,000 residents to have one, police records show. In Central Florida, deaths from Ecstasy began infrequently in 1994 when two teens and a 20-year-old woman died in downtown Orlando nightclubs. Others followed at raves, all-night dance parties featuring hypnotic mixtures of lighting and loud music. In 2000, two people died on the same night at an Orange County nightclub after they bought what they thought was Ecstasy, but turned out to be a chemical that poached the victims' brains with body temperatures of 108 degrees. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens