Pubdate: Fri, 30 May 2003 Source: Charleston Daily Mail (WV) Copyright: 2003 Charleston Daily Mail Contact: Details: Author: Clifford Schaffer Note: Schaffer is director of the Drug Reform Coordination Network's Online Library of Drug Policy. The network "supports legalization, decriminalization, harm reduction, sentencing reform, forfeiture reform and honest, realistic attitudes towards drugs and drug abuse." DARE PROGRAM SIMPLY DOESN'T CUT DRUG USE IN KIDS Monica Spriggs is to be congratulated for her devotion to kids. It is obvious that she cares deeply about them and sincerely wants to help. Her attitude and efforts deserve a round of applause. Having said that, it is also important to note that good intentions are not an acceptable substitute for programs that actually work. The evidence is quite clear that DARE simply does not work to reduce drug abuse in kids. That's why the federal government has stopped funding for DARE. It is wonderful that her time in the classroom has allowed her to build relationships with kids, but the name of the program is "Drug Abuse Resistance Education." If it doesn't work to reduce drug abuse, then it doesn't work for its intended purpose. That is not an "unproved comment," as Staff Sgt. Spriggs referred to it. That is the overwhelming weight of all the research to date. Some research shows that, by the senior year in high school, 95 percent of students regard DARE as having no credibility at all. Other research has indicated that DARE students may be even more likely to use drugs than their non-DARE-educated peers. That is just not good enough. There are school anti-drug programs that work far better than DARE. Is the point to support DARE or to keep kids from using drugs? If the real point is to keep kids from using drugs, then investigate and support other programs that really do work. Clifford Schaffer Agua Dulce, Calif. - --- MAP posted-by: Tom