Pubdate: Fri, 30 May 2003
Source: Kamloops This Week (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Kamloops This Week
Author: Jim Harrison
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


What are Jean Chretien and the gang smoking? They're running a country with 
a health care crisis, a skills shortage, and a pension plan that may not 
have enough cash available when the baby boomer generation retires.

We have the SARS crisis to deal with, our cattle industry is reeling from 
its brush with mad cow, and the Americans have taken us to the cleaners on 

Instead of dealing with these formidable challenges, and the many others 
that face our country, the Chretien Liberals are decriminalizing pot. The 
legislation means it will be okay to have modest amounts of marijuana, and 
smoke all a person could want. The only criminal act would be to have 
enough to sell, or to be caught growing the stuff.

The crooks are laughing so hard, their bellies are about to split. The 
market for marijuana when it was a crime to have it was pretty good. Now 
Ottawa intends to guarantee demand will go through the roof.

Organized crime doesn't give a damn about stiffer penalties for production 
and trafficking, the people are the top are rarely the ones caught. They've 
just been guaranteed a more lucrative livelihood.

If it's a crime to possess more than 15 grams of marijuana, then it should 
be a crime to possess less. If it's a crime to grow and sell it, it should 
be a crime to smoke it.

Jean Chretien has been searching for a legacy to mark his place in history. 
Who would have thought he'd settle for an act of monumental stupidity?
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager