Pubdate: Sun, 08 Jun 2003
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2003 The Calgary Sun
Author: Jerry Tillema
Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk


Evidence shows marijuana is addictive and can lead to other illegal drug 
use. It is more harmful than tobacco and has cancer-causing capacity. It 
retards normal growth of brain cells and harms reproductive eggs in women. 
It damages the immune system, impairs judgment, and causes risk of accident 
e.g. death on the road. It also often causes social, psychological, 
academic and family problems. Decriminalization of marijuana will 
inevitably lead to more access and use.

Jerry Tillema

(Decriminalization doesn't mean the government is encouraging use.)
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart