Pubdate: Wed, 04 Jun 2003
Source: Comox Valley Record (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Comox Valley Record
Author: Bruce MacInnis
Bookmark: (Club Drugs)


"Date rape" drugs appear to have found their way to the Comox Valley, RCMP 
Const. Dean Max-well says.

"Police have received a couple of complaints in recent weeks from young 
females who report ... symptoms similar to symptoms found in people whose 
drinks have been surreptitiously spiked with an unknown drug. Some of these 
can be classified as 'date rape' drugs," Maxwell said.

Police say victims typically report they were at a party or drinking 
establishment, and "the next thing I know, it's morning and I'm in 
someone's bed. I've no idea what happened in between."

The drug most commonly used in date rapes is a prescription sleeping pill 
commonly marketed as Rohypnol, and sold generically as Flunitrazepam, 
according to the RCMP.

Street names include: rophies, roofenol, ruffies, roofies, R2, roachies, 
rope, rib and la roche.

The drug is colorless, odorless and virtually tasteless. The victim might 
notice only a slight bitter taste.

Within five to 20 minutes, the victim will feel an intoxication similar to 
alcohol, which can lead to blackout or amnesia. Other effects are extreme 
sleepiness, loss of inhibition and relaxation.

The effects usually last about eight hours and all evidence of the drug in 
the victim's system vanishes in about 24 hours, according to the RCMP.

Date rapists also sometimes use Gamma Hyroxybutyric Acid (GHB), which has 
recently become popular as a recreational drug. It may appear as a liquid 
or a white powder, and it can be disguised in a victim's drink.

The effects of GHB on victims are similar to Rohypnol, but it is illegal 
and dangerously unpredictable.

Symptoms may include vomiting, dizziness, tremors and seizures. Many people 
who have ingested GHB have required hospital treatment. Some have lapsed 
into comas and died, according to the RCMP.

Maxwell cautions people be aware that date rape drugs are available, and to 
be vigilant when drinking at a party or in a public place.

"Never leave your drinks unattended. If you do leave your drink, do not 
consume it unless you know what is in it ... if you feel that you may be a 
victim of (a date rape drug) it is important that medical attention be 
sought immediately, since the detection of drugs may be limited and other 
potential evidence may be lost," Maxwell said.

Police also advise people at parties or drinking establishments to:

   be wary of accepting drinks from people they do not know or trust

   if accepting a drink, be sure to open the container themselves.

   never abandon someone who shows symptoms of a date rape drug.

   inform others about date rape drugs.

   Remember, any non-consensual sex is sexual assault. It is a crime under 
the Criminal Code of Canada. Non-consensual sex includes coerced sex and 
sex with a partner who is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom