Pubdate: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 Source: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (NY) Copyright: 2003 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Contact: Details: Author: Patrick Flanigan Bookmark: (Asset Forfeiture) ANTI-DRUG TEAM REVEALED 13 Months After Its Creation, Granet Has Seized $598,697 Monroe County's top police executives Thursday revealed the existence of a year-old task force to disrupt the illegal drug trade among mid- to upper-level dealers. The Greater Rochester Area Narcotics Enforcement Team -- or GRANET -- was formed 13 months ago. But the police chiefs waited to announce the team's formation until it had accumulated a year's worth of arrests and seizures, said Brockport Police Chief Dan Varrenti, an administrator of the team. "These arrests were made based on lengthy investigations and a collaborative effort," Varrenti said at a news conference at the Monroe Community College Public Safety Training Center on Scottsville Road. The new enforcement team marks the first time all 11 county police departments have joined forces in a focused ongoing effort against illegal drugs in Monroe County. Team members focus on dealers higher up in the network, many of whom live in the suburbs and supply street-level retailers in the city or adjacent counties. First Assistant District Attorney Mike Green noted two targets of a GRANET investigation -- Carlos Pichardo, 40; and Luis Velez, 43 -- were convicted on drug charges Wednesday for their role in a drug ring that moved 5 kilograms of cocaine per week through the Rochester area. "This unit has already demonstrated tremendous success," he said. Rochester Police Chief Robert Duffy said GRANET was formed to deal with the fact that most drug dealers don't discriminate among towns or other municipal boundaries. "This will put a sense of fear into those people who attempt to bring cocaine and other drugs into the Rochester area," Duffy said. "It really is a regionwide problem, and this is a regionwide approach." GRANET is a combination of two drug-fighting partnerships and cooperation from four departments that had not been part of either task force. In May 2002, the Multi-Agency Drug Task Force, representing five suburban police departments, joined with the Metro Rochester Narcotics Unit, which was made up of Rochester police officers and sheriff's deputies. Each department can assign officers to rotate through duty on GRANET. The team typically comprises about 18 members and is under the command of Rochester police Lt. Gerald Connor, with a $120,000 yearly operating budget administered by the Rochester Police Department. Operating expenses -- such as cell phones, telephone-tap devices and rental cars -- are reimbursed with drug money seized by the team. Twenty percent of all money seized goes to the federal government. What's left after expenses is divided among participating agencies according to a formula based on how many officers each department assigns to the team. Since GRANET was formed, team members have arrested 74 people in the city and 30 in the surrounding county. They've seized $598,697 in cash, 10.5 kilograms of cocaine, 406 kilograms of marijuana and 517 grams of heroin. They've also taken 14 handguns, 10 shotguns and five rifles. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom