Pubdate: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 Source: Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) Copyright: Allied Press Limited, 2003 Contact: Details: Note: Editorial note as published Bookmark: (Cannabis) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) CANNABIS PROHIBITION PARADOX RECENT ARTICLES in the ODT have highlighted the paradoxical nature of cannabis prohibition. Dunedin police, for example, claimed to have insufficient resources to deal with J-Day protesters smoking cannabis in their station (ODT, 5.5.03 and 6.5.03), yet they, and the courts, deemed it necessary to further devastate the lives of a couple who turned to cannabis in desperation for relief from a debilitating illness (ODT, 13.5.03). Your court news frequently carries reports of other medical cannabis users who suffer similar fates. Furthermore, the assertion that medical science is "only just beginning to appreciate the huge therapeutic potential" of what may be "the aspirin of the 21st century" (ODT, 22.05.03) not only lends credibility to the claims of cannabis' medical benefit, it also shows the degree to which the truth about it has been suppressed. At the hearings of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, the American Medical Association's representative prophesied that the Act would "deprive the public of the benefits of a drug that on further research may be of substantial value". Even those sponsoring the Act recognised that cannabis had "valuable industrial, medical and scientific uses". While smoking cannabis may not be, as your editorial noted (ODT, 9.5.03), a "crime of the century", the relentless persecution of those who find benefit from using this remarkable herb is merely the modern equivalent of witch burning or the Inquisition, and requires the same fallacious reasoning necessary to believe that the world was flat and the centre of the universe. Jason Baker-Sherman, Dalmore [Abridged. - Ed.] - --- MAP posted-by: Jackl