Pubdate: Mon, 30 Jun 2003
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2003 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: David Kuxhaus


A violent home invasion in a west end neighbourhood over the weekend came 
as no surprise to Tony Lopes.

"The only thing I was surprised at was how come it took so long," said 
Lopes who lives across from the home at 778 Lipton St.

Police were called to the residence at around 6 a.m. Saturday after two 
masked men burst into the home, terrorized two women, and stomped two 
kittens to death.

Police say the residence was home to a small marijuana grow operation and 
that's why it was targeted.

Duty Insp. Darryl Preisentanz said the women did not live at the home.

He said they unfortunately happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong 
time. "They were just visiting," said Preisentanz.

One of them was struck with a bat but received only minor injuries.

Lopes said the home is rented to a man in his early twenties who moved in 
last August.

He said blinds and garbage bags immediately went up to cover windows.

Another neighbor, Brian Desautels, said a couple of weeks later he saw a 
truck pull up and drop off two large screen TVs.

After that most of the action at the home took place at night. "It would 
get going about 1:30 a.m. or 2 a.m.," said Lopes.

He said there was a steady stream of traffic with people going in and out 
of the house.

"I guess they were picking up their (drugs)," said Lopes.

Lopes, 31, said last month he called police after he saw a man walking 
along side of the house with a what appeared to be a rifle wrapped in a jacket.

He said a bunch of officers came down but added that he wasn't sure what 
became of the incident.

There was no answer at the residence yesterday afternoon. A blue Ford 
Blazer and a sports car covered in decals were parked out back.

Lopes, who has lived in the neighbourhood for more than a decade, said it 
has gone downhill in the last couple of years, adding that there was a 
large pot bust on the street earlier this year.

He said he's caught kids smoking pot in his back lane and prostitutes are 
not an uncommon sight. "It was never like this before," said Lopes. "Maybe 
I'll start a neighbourhood watch."

Preisentanz said the two intruders were arrested at the scene after one of 
the women, who was hiding in a closet, called 911.

He said one of the police officers was hit with a bat and the other kicked 
but said the injuries were minor.

Police say the suspects stole some money and drugs. Preisentanz said about 
seven pot plants were seized from the home.

John Letandre, 23, and Lyle Letandre, 21, are charged with numerous 
offences including break and enter, robbery, wearing disguise with intent, 
cruelty to animals, assault with a weapon and assaulting a police officer.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart