Pubdate: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 Source: Oklahoman, The (OK) Copyright: 2003 The Oklahoma Publishing Co. Contact: Details: Author: Jennifer Mock Bookmark: (Asset Forfeiture) RECOVERED DRUG MONEY TO BOLSTER SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The Canadian County Sheriff's Department is remodeling and expanding its offices with $900,000 received from a drug bust two years ago. Sheriff Lewis Hawkins said he also has been able to buy 19 used patrol cars, allowing for the fleet to be replaced with cars with lower mileage. Hawkins said without the money, he would have only been able to replace about six to eight cars this year. "That is the most money I have ever seen in one pile in my life," he said. "I will never forget it." In August 2001, a county deputy stopped a van on a routine traffic stop that yielded $1,284,313 in drug-related cash. The county's portion was $900,000, with federal authorities getting the remaining funds. Hawkins said he got the funds three months ago, and is eager to put the money to use. Hawkins intends to buy an additional six cars, maybe within the next few months. He also said the money can be spent on equipment for the cars and other capital improvement projects. The money allowed the department to expand its offices into the former election board next door, almost doubling the size of the area. The money may only be appropriated and spent out of a separate account on general operations needs of the department, Hawkins said. The federal government also places high accountability on the money, requiring the county to provide annual expenditure reports. Hawkins said the money cannot be used for his operating budget. Last week, the county commissioners gave Hawkins approval to buy nine slightly used patrol cars from the Missouri Highway Patrol, at about $12,000 each. The cars will replace some of the 40 patrol cars that have between 132,000 and 186,000 miles on them. Some of the old cars will go to the county assessor's office to be used by field appraisers, while others will be auctioned. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom