Pubdate: Fri, 30 Jan 2004
Source: Scotsman (UK)
Copyright: The Scotsman Publications Ltd 2004
Author: William Lyons
Cited: Purple Haze
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


THREE people were arrested for drugs offences at Scotland's first
cannabis cafe, police said last night.

The arrest of the two men and a woman for possession of cannabis at
the Purple Haze Cafe coincided with the reclassification of the drug,
from class B to class C, which came into force yesterday. It is
understood that Paul Stewart, the owner of the cafe in Leith,
Edinburgh, was one of the three.

A Lothian and Borders Police spokesman said: "Three people have been
arrested and charged with possession of drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

Two people were seen using drugs within the premises."

The spokesman said the men, aged 43 and 37, and the 35-year-old woman
would be made the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal.

He added that officers had been maintaining a presence outside the
cafe and had warned customers they could be arrested if seen with any
illegal substances.

The cannabis cafe launched as a private members' club yesterday
afternoon. The initiative means customers will be able to come in off
the streets and use the soft drug.

Backed by the Scottish Cannabis Coffeeshop Movement (SCCM), the plan
aims to highlight what campaigners cite as a confusing legal situation
surrounding the possession and use of the drug.

Yesterday's high-profile launch was attended by the SSP MSPs Tommy
Sheridan and Rosemary Byrne, who came to show "solidarity" with those
who choose to use cannabis.

But police warned that despite the downgrading, the drug remained
illegal and the possession of cannabis was still an offence.

Speaking yesterday, Mr Stewart, 37, said members would have to bring
their own cannabis to the cafe because the drug would not be on sale.

He added the cafe would be tobacco free, but anyone wishing to take
cannabis would be able to use a vaporiser machine, which eliminates 99
per cent of the drugs carcinogenic substances.

Mr Stewart said he wanted to highlight the discrepancy between
Scotland and the rest of the UK over how the reclassification was
implemented, adding that he would have to warn all his customers that
they risked being arrested.

"In the rest of the UK the presumption of arrest has been taken away,
but that presumption still remains in Scotland," he said. "It is a
plain fact that 800,000 people use cannabis in Scotland and we feel
that we are being socially excluded from taking part in an activity we
believe is socially acceptable.

"We are looking for the whole of Scotland to get behind us and we want
the Executive to be supporting us on this one."

A statement issued by police last night read: "The change in class
only impacts on the penalties available to the courts and does not in
any way alter police procedures.

"Where evidence of an offence exists, offenders will continue to be
charged and reported to the procurator fiscal."

Last night, an SSP spokesman said police should not be "wasting their
time" prosecuting cannabis users. "We have to stop criminalising
people for what after all is a victimless crime," he said.

The opening of the cafe followed a declaration in the Scottish
Parliament by Jack McConnell, that the downgrading of cannabis would
have little effect on how police deal with users and dealers.

At First Minister's Questions, Mr McConnell attacked the SSP's
"shameful" drugs policy, condemning "those who intend to interpret the
law for their own ends".

He told MSPs: "I want to make clear today that reclassification is not the
same as decriminalisation. The use and sale of cannabis both remain illegal
in Scotland.

"I do not anticipate that cannabis reclassification will have any
significant implications for policing in Scotland."

This was, he added, "partly because police time and resources in
Scotland are already concentrating on those most serious drugs".

Annabel Goldie, the Tories' justice spokeswoman, said the government's
mixed messages had given a green light to those who think that they
are above the law. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake