Pubdate: Wed, 02 Jun 2004
Source: Sun.Star Cebu (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004 Sun.Star


AT LEAST 50 Central Visayas policemen are under close watch by the Police 
Regional Office (PRO) 7 amid reports that they are protecting illegal drug 
traders in the region, a ranking police official revealed yesterday.

Citing an intelligence report, Senior Supt. Julio Augusto, PRO 7 deputy 
director for administration, said each of the alleged drug-protector 
policemen get at least P2,000 weekly protection money.


"They have been suspected to be in alliance with drug suppliers. But we're 
now adopting a new strategy so we can neutralize them," he said.

Augusto, also Regional Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Force 
executive officer, said the report is that these policemen came from 
different police units in Region 7.

Augusto said many of these policemen are assigned in city-based PNP 
offices. He refused to disclose their assigned units and how many of them 
are in each unit.

Augusto said drug suppliers would usually drop the names of their "allied" 
policemen to create a psychological effect that they are protected.


"It's more on panghadlok and psychological effect. Physically, they 
(suspected policemen) are not around, they're just in the periphery," he said.

Augusto also said most of the Central Visayas policemen have already 
refrained from drugs after the PRO 7 held a series of drug tests last year.

At least 260 policemen suspected to be hooked on drugs were subjected to 
random drug tests last year. Nine of them were found positive of drug use.

Of the nine, four were dismissed from service for grave misconduct. The 
fifth policeman, who was found positive of drugs, was exonerated due to death.

Augusto called on the community to help law enforcement units in validating 
the reports.

"It seems that their concern is more on money matters, not much on the 
threat of being dismissed from service. But the community can be part in 
our efforts to validate these reports," Augusto said.


Augusto earlier advised policemen who continue using or protecting illegal 
drugs to better get out from service or face serious administrative sanctions.

The PRO 7 has been trying its best to comply with Camp Crame's directive 
that 60 percent of drug-affected barangays and drug pushers in Central 
Visayas be already cleared this month.

Cebu has been dubbed as ideal place for drug traders because of its 
strategic location in the Visayas. GC
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart