Pubdate: Mon, 16 Aug 2004
Source: Freeman, The (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004 The Freeman
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Corruption - Outside U.S.)


Taguig Mayor Freddie R. Tinga yesterday ordered the filing of charges
against members of the Regional Special Action Unit (RSAU) who
attacked the Taguig police station in an attempt to free two arrested
drug pushers Saturday early morning.

In a firefight that ensued, RSAU policemen damaged the newly-renovated
municipal hall and used a member of the local government's Public
Order and Safety Office (POSO) as a human shield while at gunpoint.

Insp. Cleto Seriosa of the Taguig police said that the seige occurred
at about 12:10 a.m. on Aug. 14 in front of the police station and the
adjacent municipal hall. Earlier, Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU)
operatives of the Taguig police arrested Kahar T. Goldy, 27, and
Benjamin J. Usman, 49, in a buy-bust operation at Bahay Pagkakaisa,
Brgy. Maharlika Village at about 9:30 p.m. Police recovered from them
shabu and an unlicensed .38 cal. revolver.

At the police station, while charges were being readied against the
suspects, a call was allegedly made by an RSAU member to DEU
requesting for the release of the two suspects in exchange for P18,000
which the operating unit turned down.

Later, PO1 Ladislao C. Nuguid, 27, a member of RSAU-NCRPO and Nasser
M. Tayuan, a civilian assigned at GPI-UBC, RSAU showed up at the
police station and tried to bribe DEU personnel, prompting the latter
to arrest the duo and the confiscation of the P18,000 bribe money.

As 30 fully armed companions of the duo prepared to storm the police
station, POSO member Jimmy R. Santos, upon orders of their head Lt.
Jess Merilo secured and locked the main door of the municipal hall.

While walking towards their office amidst the growing tension, Santos'
path was blocked by two cops in civilian clothes. "Pulis ka ba?" the
two allegedly asked Santos while poking their guns at him.

Santos was frisked by the two cops as he introduced himself as an
employee of the municipal government.

One of the suspects then held Santos by the collar while both cops
poked their guns at him, using him as a human shield for about 20 minutes.

RSAU operatives who positioned themselves in front of the police
station opened fire forcing the Taguig cops to retaliate. No one was
reported injured in the 10 minute firefight which was halted upon the
intervention of superior officers of both camps.