Pubdate: Wed, 18 Aug 2004
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004, The Manila Times
Author: Bong E. Otadoy, Northern Luzon Bureau
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MALASIQUI, Pangasinan-Concerned leaders in this province and a
government line agency have expressed their support to the snowballing
move to finish the construction of a drug rehabilitation center in the
town of Burgos.

The center, which stands on a two-hectare property in Burgos in the
First District, stands unfinished since construction started in 1992.

"When completed, the center could help rehabilitate drug addicts in
the Ilocos composed of Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur and Ilocos
Norte," Vice Gov. Oscar Lambino told The Manila Times in an interview
at his residence here.

Lambino, vice chair of the Pangasinan Antidrug Abuse Coordinating
Council, said that aside from local and regional support, he would
also seek the help of national officials to complete the project.

One of the Pangasinan officials who showed keen interest in completing
the project is Mayor Amadeo Perez Jr. of Urdaneta City, Lambino said.

Lambino said that although Perez did not specify the kind of
assistance that he would give, the mayor stressed the need for such
center to rehabilitate drug addicts in Urdaneta City.

At the same time, The Technological Skills and Development Authority
(Tesda) provincial office based in the capital of Lingayen, expressed
their full support for the project.

In particular, Lambino said Tesda offered to help "by way of teaching
the center's staff in drug rehabilitation."

"When the center becomes operational, we could also tap students from
various medical schools in Pangasinan, who could render work that
forms part of their on-the-job-training which is a prerequisite to
their graduation," Lambino told The Times.

He added the administrative functions could be assigned to the
Philippine National Police or the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

The construction of the center started in 1992 on the initiative of
then Vice Gov. Gonzalo Duque.

The center stands on a two-hectare lot donated by former Mayor
Demetrio Cabiles of Burgos.